Put on your THINKING CAP: Forever P-22



Once upon a time in Hollywood lived a mountain lion named P-22. 

P-22 made his home in Griffith Park and was known for being the ONLY mountain lion in the heart of a big city like Los Angeles.

His life began 50 miles away in the Santa Monica Mountains in 2010 before making the treacherous journey over 2 large freeways undetected to settle in the eastern Los Angeles park. 

P-22 adapted quickly to life in Griffith Park and the urban setting that surrounds it. He spent his days sleeping and his nights roaming and hunting for food. In 2012, scientists first discovered him on a trail camera and quickly began tracking his whereabouts through a GPS collar. As word spread about P-22 and his incredible story, kids from all over took interest in him. P-22 defied scientists expectations and lived for 10 years in Griffith Park before passing away in Dec 2022. The story of P-22 and his impact on animal conservation in Griffith Park lives on, reminding us all of the importance of protecting our wildlife and preserving the natural world for future generations. And just like P-22, we too can make a difference in the world and create a better future for all animals.

Forever P-22.

 P-22- What does that mean???
P stands for PUMA and the number 22 corresponds to a scientific study of mountain lions in the Santa Monica Mountains conducted by the National Park Service.


What does animal conservation mean? 

The practice of protecting wild species and their habitats in order to maintain healthy wildlife species or populations and to restore, protect or enhance natural ecosystems.




Fast Facts:

  • P-22 lived in Griffith Park in Los Angeles from 2012-2022.
  • A wildlife biologist tracked P-22's movements with a GPS collar.

View footage:

Biologists working on P-22 in 2015: https://www.flickr.com/photos/santamonicamtns/32488612076/in/album-72157670897770258/

Photographer, Steve Winter discusses capturing pictures of P-22 for National Geographic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f44Pe4zRc5Y